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Reports for 408-641-6839

UNSAFE 6 months ago

They told me it was money from the government I'm $9,000 then he told me to go buy a card from Walmart 7-Eleven put $200 on it and that was refundable I gave him the number to an old card they're trying to scam people there's no such thing as benefits from the government for being good and having no felonies and paying your bills on time

UNSAFE 11 months ago

Unsafe scam, claiming to be free grant money in the amount of $9,000. They require a credit card, or a bank account, to allegedly deposit money into; along with requiring the recipient to buy a $200.00 transaction bank card, and to register on line. It is a scam for money from anyone they call, and is ILLEGAL IN ANY STATE!

UNSAFE almost 3 years ago

Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends was reported by a user from Gridley via FTC.

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends was reported by a user from Santa Ana via FTC.

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Lotteries, prizes & sweepstakes was reported by a user from Evanston via FTC.

Owner Information for 408-641-6839




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Information for 408-641-6839

408-641-6839 Information

Location: San Jose, CA
Company: U.s. Telepacific Corp.
Comments Types: 2 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 3 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 11/22/2023

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Complaints for 408-641-6839

Complaints for 408-641-6839 (3 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 3 times. The most common reported issues were Lotteries, prizes & sweepstakes Reports have been made by users in 2 states (Illinois, California.)

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.